Alvin Zhu, Rising Senior at Mission San Jose High School, Fremont, CA
We are grateful that Alvin chose to do his internship during the summer of 2022 at Evodyne. Alvin is unusually skilled on a very large number of subjects relating to robotics. It was a treasure to have his expertise in designing the foundation of the next generation of Evodyne's robots.

"My experience as an intern at Evodyne robotics was everything I hoped for. I had the opportunity to choose CAD and programming projects that I both found interesting and fit my skill set. I was also a head instructor of the 3D printing course, which pushed me to understand Fusion 360 at a deeper level. I redesigned the Evo-Dog into the larger, more capable Evo-Dog Pro. I also took RoboClaw’s Python motor controller library and converted it into a more usable and intuitive API controller. I then created a spline path finding algorithm and integrated it with pure pursuit to calculate differential drivetrain kinematics for position and orientation in 2D space. I was forced out of my comfort zone, utilizing new software, electronics, and languages to learn more advanced CAD and computer science. I am very grateful for the skills and professional experience Evodyne Robotics has given me, as well as the time I spent with Raghav and my fellow intern."- Alvin Zhu said.